《清明上河圖》是中國繪畫史上最著名的作品之一,收錄北宋畫院畫家張擇端繪畫都城汴河兩岸繁華景象。全卷採用原樣印刷,完全以原作面貌復原。為迄今最清晰、最真實反映原作面貌之作。本卷根據故宮真跡而製,為傳世眾多本中的唯一真跡,經過著名書畫專家多次重新鑒定,堪稱藏家的首選。 This painting is now the most important treasure of the Palace Museum's collection, it has been regarded as the only authentic version and it truly reflects the style of painting and the actual way of life at that time. This is the first time the whole painting published for appreciation in its original size for lover's collection. 作者簡介: 張擇端,字正道,東武(今山東諸城)人。宋徽宗趙佶時期的畫院待詔,善畫巿橋、郭徑、舟車等,作品有《西湖爭標圖》、《清明上河圖》,都為時人選為神品。