AS SEEN 2011 --Notable Artworks by Chinese ArtistsKaren Smith HK$200
姑蘇繁華圖(英文版)徐揚繪 HK$550
The Realm of Tibetan Buddhism 西藏佛教密 密宗藝術(英文)(精)An Chunyang, Xiao Shiling HK$580
5000 Years of Chinese Costumes中國服飾五 五千年(英文版)Gao Chunming, Zhou Xun HK$500
荷李活道警察宿舍陳靄婷 何家騏 朱耀光 HK$118
Paintings of Jin, Tang, Song, Yuan Dynasties故宮博物院 HK$480
Painting of the Ming and Qing Dynasties李湜、故宮博物院 HK$480
The Palace Museum’s Essential Collection:Bronzeware from Shang to Jin Dynasties杜迺松、故宮博物院 HK$0
Chinese Ceramic Wares with Polychrome Glaze故宮博物院 HK$520
Chinese Antique FurnitureThe Palace Museum HK$480
我們的生肖洋洋兔 HK$80
我們的神話洋洋兔 HK$80
我們的歷史洋洋兔 HK$80
華萼交輝︰孟澈雅製文玩家具何孟澈 HK$1980
藝術的故事 A STORY OF ART谷文達工作室 HK$1280