青花、彩瓷、顏色釉是元、明、清時期景德鎮製瓷業的三大主流產品,其中尤以顏色釉深受宮廷厚愛,許多品種甚至為皇家所壟斷。與前兩者相比,顏色釉瓷器更少人工匠意而富天然韻致,釉質純淨典雅,是去雕飾之美而獨以其魅人名彩名世。 《顏色釉》收錄文物 260 多件,是由院藏十餘萬件顏色釉瓷器中精挑細選的精華,近 74% 從未發表。數十種釉色品種都有扼要介紹,全面地、系統地披露故宮典藏顏色釉珍品,甚具參考價值。 Monochrome porcelain was once exclusively produced in official kilns under control of the imperial palace in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Quality articles were kept in the palace. The ablum is comprehensive in its coverage of the finest specimens in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.