青銅生活用器用途廣泛,由車馬飾品、武器、飾物、容器至璽印、貨幣等。從這些造型優美的青銅器中,我們可以一窺古代民情風貌,了解青銅器的發展歷史及文化。故宮博物院收藏青銅生活用器數量多、時代完整,且品類豐富, Researchers in bronzes mostly pay attention only to those of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Speciments after Qin and Han have been generally neglected. However, bronzes collected in the Museum are dated across the ages from before the Qin (-3rd c.) to the end of the Song dynasty (13th c.). The album is unprecedented in its coverage of bronzes of the longest historical period.