精選歷代名著古文二百篇,包括《左傳》、《戰國策》、《論語》和《莊子》中的名篇,與及屈原、陶淵明、李白、諸葛亮、白居易、蘇軾等才情橫溢的古代詩人,文采斐然的作品;再配上當代名畫家的插畫,並由文學名師加上註解,表現出古文優美豐富的意境。 Poems, rhymed scripts, drama and archaic scripts are the invaluable treasures of Chinese literature. To amplify the impact of classical work, this series selected over hundred pieces of exquistie pictures to help readers experience and imagine the scenario. Accompanied by detailed explanation, this collection is the best choice for those whoe would like to understand more about Chinese literature.