以京劇為代表的中國傳統戲曲發展,以清代為高峰,尤得清代皇室喜愛。 故宮珍藏了清宮大批戲衣、道具等,其中不少是舉世無雙的藝術珍寶。本卷是是故宮首次全面而系統地介紹館藏清代宮廷戲曲文物,不僅對清代宮廷內演出所用戲曲文物作出全面展示,也對清代內廷戲曲知識作全面介紹。 故宮戲曲文物藏品數量之豐富、製作之精美、材質之珍貴,在國內外各博物館中首屈一指。本卷共收錄文物253件(套),包括了戲曲服裝、冠帽靴鞋、砌末道具、戲畫劇本、戲臺,共五大類,附精美圖片,並由專家執筆撰文,甚具權威性。 The imperial families of Qing dynasty had a great fancy for dramas. A vast number of theatrical costumes and stage properties are housed in the Palace Museum today. The present volume offers a glimpse of the stage costumes of the imperial troupe. Many of them are peerless artistic treasures in the world.