◎ 從外國人學普通話的角度編寫,針對初學者的需要,使用常用生詞、對話及語法知識,幫助讀者在三個月內掌握普通話最基本的知識。 ◎ 全書涵蓋初級普通話語法重點,含約60段對話及141項簡短練習,配套錄音CD,供學習者聆聽模仿。 本書特色: ◎ 含60個情景會話,內容是生活化主題如介紹、邀請、找地方、看時間、形容事物、表達喜好等。 ◎ 以簡明流暢的英語編寫,用非常少的語法術語編寫,簡單易明。 ◎ 備生詞幫助讀者學習詞彙,另有約141個練習(每個練習項包含約四至六條題目),幫助讀者學以致用。 ◎ 作者Hugh Baker是外國人,不但親身學到普通話,更曾在倫敦大學教中文,充分了解學習者的需要。 ◎ 包含有趣的中國文化小知識,也點出一些文化差異造成語言錯誤的生活實例。 ◎ 書後附練習答案,供讀者核對答案,也有索引供讀者查閱生詞。 ◎ 配MP3錄音,可供讀者模仿練習。 作者簡介: ◎ Ping-cheng T'ung was Senior Lecturer in Chinese at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, where he taught from 1963 until retirement, and from 1990-2005 he was Vice-president of the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching. He is the co-author (with D.E. Pollard) of Colloquial Chinese. ◎ Hugh D.R. Baker is Professor Emeritus of Chinese in the University of London. His publications include Teach Yourself Cantonese (co-authored with P.K. Ho), Chinese Family and Kinship, and many other books and articles on Chinese and Hong Kong society.