歸之於元代的多元文化,有近百年歷史的元代繪畫不但豐富多彩,更於中國繪畫史上擔當著上承晉唐兩宋,下啟清明的重要角色。本卷收錄了百餘幅故宮博物院珍藏中具代表性的元代繪畫,按繪畫題材和畫家集群依照時序編纂,從文人畫、宮廷繪畫、民間繪畫到界畫,從錢選、趙孟頫、元四家(黃公望、倪瓚、王蒙和吳鎮)到白描名家王振朋、周朗等。本卷完整地出版故宮藏元代繪畫並介紹相關的學術成果,提供了了解元代繪畫史及元代獨有文化的珍貴素材。 The Palace Museum is rich in the paintings of the Yuan dynasty. The salient feature of those treasures is the representative works of famous painters. Numerous masterpieces are peerless treasures. Thy occupy a proinent position in the collectors. The present volume is an all-round and systematic exhibition of the paintings in the Yuan dynasty. They have not been put out oon public display so far.