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Chinese Medical Terminology (中醫名詞彙 編)

作者 Frank Liu, Liu Yan Mau
出版社 商務印書館(香港)有限公司
ISBN 9789620730009
分類 辭書及工具書 > 專科工具書
語言版本 繁體中文
定價 HK$40
裝幀 精裝


Chinese medicine has admittedly been founded on philosophy.It has not only baffled the Western scholar,but also many of the learned Chinese.Nevertheless,Chinese medicine is compatible with science in more ways than one.For some forty centuries,Chinese medicine has endured the test of practicability and has caused to cure the sick and saved lives.Those facts have withstood undeniably the test of time.
This effort to translate the unknown to known quantity is not aimed at argumentation or defence.Nor is it to be regarded as an effort to convince the"unbeliever".The mere attempt at compiling only a few selected terms used in Chinese medicine ( which totals more than 4,000 ) is to be taken as an exercise in straightforward defining and explaining of what has been established as the foundation of Chinese thought down the centuries.
The object of this effort has,too,a practical utility value.This condensed version of Chinese medical terms and terminology is,therefore,intended as a tool to advance better understanding of the overall practice of Chinese medicine.


  • 中國陶器定級圖典
  • 日華小詞典
  • Collins 袖珍英漢雙解詞典(膠面)
  • 中國神話傳說詞典(精)
  • 中文有理有據三千詞