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AS SEEN 2011 --Notable Artworks by Chinese Artists

作者 Karen Smith
出版社 商務印書館(香港)有限公司
ISBN 9789620756023
分類 Art > Other
語言版本 繁體中文
定價 HK$200
裝幀 平裝


With the explosive growth in the art world in China, the volume of exhibitions has expanded from a handful to thousands. But how many of them are any good? How many should find their way into a collection, into museum, into history? As Seen is the result of looking at art, by selecting a handful of the notable artworks worth remembering by Chinese artists including those from Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseas as seen in exhibitions on the mainland within the calendar year 2011. China’s contemporary art scene has been described by the Economist as a cultural landscape with so few signposts. A neat and compact guide, As Seen provides an antidote with a collection of signposts that add up a timely, straight-to-the-point look at forty of remarkable pieces of art,


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