明清兩代的五彩與鬥彩是彩瓷中的名品,尤其是景德鎮御窯廠的製品精美冠於當時。瑰麗絕倫的五彩和鬥彩,深深浸潤著宮廷文化的內蘊,體現著皇室與貴族的審美情趣。 《五彩‧鬥彩》收錄明清五彩 170 件,鬥彩 114 件, 77.5% 屬初次發表,逾六成為清康、雍、乾精品,是製瓷工藝發展高峰期的佳作。 導言之發展史部份,按器型、用彩、裝飾、字款等次序論述,方便讀者了解五彩和鬥彩發展脈絡中重要的階段,並進而了解每一階段的發展概貌、特色和承上啟下的關係。 Specimens of chinaware in contrasting colours or in polychrome were the best know of chinaware which had become very popular in the Ming-Qing period. The album shows many of the choicest specimens in contrasting colours or in polychrome used in the imperial family.