漆工藝是造物的藝術,中國人智慧與才藝的結晶。從元代大家張成和楊茂技藝精絕的作品、以龍鳳紋和吉祥圖為主流紋飾的明代嘉靖漆器、萬曆年代運用寫意畫裝飾方法的描金彩漆、多樣風格的民間漆器待,本卷在故宮藏近千件元明漆器中選出 208 件(套)精品,全面反映兩代不同時期漆器的工藝特點和藝術風格。 The Palace Museum has a large collection of lacquerwares produced in the dynasties of Yuan, Ming and Qing. The present volume contains the treasures of the Yuan and Ming dynasties. Most of them were executed by the court artisan; a small part of them were made by the ordinary people. Among them we find representative works of various periods as well as the only extant works of execellent arts and crafts. 作者簡介: 夏更起,故宮博物院副研究員,從事文物管理與研究。專業內容包括漆器、琺瑯、玻璃、銀器、新銅、鼻煙壺等。主要論著有:《試談複色雕漆》、《對故宮藏部分琺瑯器時代問題的探討》、《玻璃胎畫琺瑯考析》等。主編書籍有:《故宮鼻煙壺選粹》、《中國漆器全集》五、六兩卷。