《法華經畫卷》附涅槃、維摩詰經,《法華經》是圖像最美生活的大型經變,並有觀世音救苦化現的故事;《涅槃經變》說明涅槃不是死亡,舖展為長篇故事;《維摩詰變》是維摩示疾、文殊問疾引?的機鋒辯論,是中國士大夫的至愛場面。 The album purports a discourse delivered by the Buddha toward the end of his life, in which he preached the Buddha nature of all living creatures and the true significance of nirvana. The famous debate on the doctrinal difference between Mahayana and Hinayana has also been reconstructed by the paintings.