本書精選元曲中名作三百首,配上當代名畫家的插畫,文學名師加上精要註解,表現元曲優美豐富的意境。 本書特色: 1. 名家配畫,將曲詞意境用圖畫具體展現,助讀者發揮想像力,更深體會曲詞奧妙。 2. 學者撰文詮釋曲詞寄意,言簡意賅,深入淺出,將精華信息重新演譯,讓現代讀者進入古代的詩人心靈世界。 3. 膾炙人口的名句加以標識,易於讀者辦識吟誦,對佳詞妙句印象更深。 4. 精選元曲中名作,將元曲的最高成就作品及作家,濃縮在一冊書中;一冊在手,即可了解元曲發展的概貌。 Poems, rhymed scripts, drama and archaic scripts are the invaluable treasures of Chinese literature. To amplify the impact of classical work, this series selected over hundred pieces of exquistie pictures to help readers experience and imagine the scenario. Accompanied by detailed explanation, this collection is the best choice for those whoe would like to understand more about Chinese literature.