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Becoming Hong Kong: The Development History of the Construction Industry (1840-2010)

作者 Ho Pui Yin (何佩然)
出版社 商務印書館(香港)有限公司
ISBN 9789620764592
分類 社會科學 > 社會學
語言版本 繁體中文
定價 HK$280


Through this book, you can take a peek into how the constructors took the leading role, how they led Hong Kong, a small island with few natural resources, to grow from a place where clans and local communities only served to increase personal power to a international metropolis which is known for its “Hong Kong Model” and managed in accordance with commercial principles, which values capital circulation and employs talents from every corner of the world and which enables fair and free trading of techniques and becomes a role model for others. 本書特色: ◎ 首本全面介紹香港建築業發展的圖文書,由香港建造商會提供第一手檔案文獻。 ◎ 作者是擅長著述香港史的歷史學者,本書可供研究香港史、香港建築史人士參考。 ◎ 書中以殖民政府前後的香港建造業為主線,對香港建造業背景、東西方商業法則、管理和方法進行分析和探討,具體入微,有很強的可讀性。 ◎ 書中梳理一百七十年的香港建造業發展史,脈絡清楚和扼要,讓一向關注房地產發展的香港讀者可以瞭解到這座城市舊時的住房情況、和住房問題等。 作者簡介: Prof. Ho Pui Yin is the Director of Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre of Shaw College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Member, Board of Trustees, Shaw College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Non-Executive Director of Hong Kong Urban Renewal Authority; Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong War Memorial Pensions Advisory Committee, Health, Welfare and Food Bureau, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Museum Expert Advisor, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; and Visiting Professor Chaire Dupront, Universite Paris-Sorbonne. She is a social and economic historian who previously worked as a research consultant at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris, she now teaches in the History Department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her current researches are mainly on urbanisation of modern day Hong Kong. She has published numerous books and articles on Hong Kong and social and economic history of modern China.


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