光碟內容主要分為四大部分 Content of this CD-ROM includes four main sections 《 香港郵政發展 A Postal History of Hong Kong 》 以精彩的影片展示香港由開埠至今的郵政發展,告訴您一些鮮為人知的郵政趣聞。 Shows on films the development of postal service in Hong Kong since the colonial beginning, interspersed with interesting episodes seldom publicly known. 《 郵票看香江 Hong Kong on Stamps 》 以文字、圖片、旁白及影片,深入介紹香港郵品的特色,讓您透過郵品親身經歷香港百多年來在文化、政治、經濟及生活上的蛻變。 Introduces Hong Kong stamp products in pictures, written descriptions, films and narratives, and reflects the cultural, social, political and economic changes of Hong Kong in over a century and a half. 《 集郵在香港 Philatelic Activities in Hong Kong 》 介紹香港集郵活動及其發展歷程,簡介香港集郵組及四個主要郵學會的成立背景、發展及其對推廣香港集郵活動的貢獻。 Features the main public philatelic activities and portrays the origins, growth and contributions of four main philatelic societies in Hong Kong. 《 香港郵票總覽 Hong Kong Stamps Catalogue 》 讓您能以郵品名稱、發行年份、編號、種類及主題等資料檢索出任何一套香港郵票,除可查閱郵票的名稱、發行日期、面值、齒孔度數、水印等基本資料外,郵票圖象更可以放大及隨意移動欣賞。 Provides details of each stamp including its title, date of issue, face value, perforation, watermark, etc. An index facilitates search by title, year of issue, serial number, category, topic, etc. The stamps can be enlarged or shifted for easy appreciation.